Wednesday, April 8, 2009

Seven days and counting!

One week!! Yes, that's all that's left to the current, crazy tax season. Of course, I will still be doing tax returns after April 15th, but the current crazy rush will be history come 5:00PM next Wednesday. It's a good thing too, because if not I will explode and bust like a balloon as everyone in my office(there's only three of us)will explode from snacking if it doesn't end.

Last Friday I stopped by the dollar store and picked up snacks, as did my boss. We got Cheetos, Fritos, cashews, cookies, and then a very sweet client brought us a one pound box of Whitman's Sampler, which by the way, we finished polishing off today. Yesterday, a client brought each of us a dozen handmade peanut butter miniature easter eggs. I have only ate two of those, but it's what else that I ate in between!!

Monday morning I went by Chick-Fil-A and polished off a chicken, egg, and cheese bagel, with hash browns, then by lunch I had a blackend tuna sandwich with mozzarella cheese and french fries with cajun seasoning dipped in ranch dressing. At dinner, I had a tax return to do for some friends and they had me over to dinner which was a bacon cheeseburger and another helping of spicy fries. Blah!!! By then end of dinner I was ready to blow up!!

I had lost almost fifty pounds since last year when things went so crazy with Butch, but if I don't watch out I'm going to be back up the scale. My pants are already feeling tight around the waist. I know what I need to do and that is to move, move, move! That is one of the bad things about sitting at a desk all day is that I want to snack and graze. I'm not hungry and I'm sure not bored, but in between returns it's just so easy to have that desk drawer opened with a little something in there.

Onto to other news in our lives this week. At work, there is a momma duck that has taken up residence again by our back door. She came last year late in the season and built a nest and had her babies. It was so sweet to watch. This year she came back early and set up residence back in her nest. She's been on it full time this last week. I promise to take a pic this week of Miss Guard Duck, as we so fondly refer to her. I can't wait for those little, yellow balls of down to hatch out. From what I figure we have about 3 weeks left.

We also have a new member of our household. Kaitlyn is back with us through the week(her paternal grandmother will have her on weekends). Kaitlyn is Lewis' niece and she is almost two and half. Kaitlyn and her mom lived with us from the time that Kaitlyn was one month until she was 15 months old. Unfortunately, her mom has some addiction issues and for the best interest of Katybug she will be with us for the time being. I guess that means I can't keep putting off cleaning out that bedroom that I have refused to enter because I'm giving up my room for Kaitlyn. She is so cute and Jessica and Lewis have really stepped up to help care for her. I'm so proud of them for doing the right thing and putting Kaitlyn's needs first. Addiction is a horrible thing, whether it is alcohol or drugs and I just don't understand how some continue to go down the same road over and over. I hate how much it has hurts Lewis. He tries to have a relationship with his sister and things look good for a while, but then the same old habits come back out. It's like I told both Jessica and Lewis, you can't control another person, all you can do is be there when they need you but I know that you always keep your guard up where they are concerned. The important thing is Kaitlyn and to keep their focus on her.

I went with my mother to see Butch on Saturday. He was doing well and we had a nice outing with him. My mom had not seen him since last June and I think all in all the visit was good. After his phone call on Thursday night, I had had my doubts on how the visit would go. He was really fussing to be able to come home, which as I told him, I cannot care for him anymore. His medical needs are certainly more than I am able to provide. As is the norm for patients with dementia/Alzheimer's, he is having swallowing issues. He chokes easily and when he swallows liquids, the liquids go into his lungs and causes him to keep fluid in his lungs. All of his liquids are supposed to be thickened to keep this from happening. No matter how much this is explained to him, he does not understand. The nurses really have to watch him to keep him away from the water fountain. This disease is so horrible to watch, sometimes I think it will be easier when he doesn't know us anymore. There must have been something in the air though, as I spoke with Butch's niece Sarah last night and her grandmother is also in a facility due to Alzheimer's and Sarah said that her grandmother was fussing with her mother about coming home last Thursday as well. Her grandmother has not walked in quite a while and Sarah said that she was actually trying to get out of her chair as she kept telling Sarah's mom that she wanted to go home. Even the nurses at the facility where Butch is, always comments on how on the days things are bad, it's like all of the patients are bad that day. My mother(who is a nurse) swears by the moon. She says it's like the pull of the moon has an effect on patients.

Anyways, that's enough for tonight. Jessica needs for me to check over an English paper that she needs to turn in for one of her classes. That cracks me up as English is not my strong suit.

Also, here is a shout out to my new Blog Follower, Katy from Utah. I have been stalking her and her mom's blog for a while now. She has a darling little girl of her own and I love reading about her sweet family. Congratulations Katy on your upcoming college graduation!!!! Hopefully, one day I too will be in your shoes and will finally get a degree. I'm going to get older anyways, so I may as well get my nose to the grindstone and carry my butt back to school. I have applied for student aid so we will see. I also promise to work on a Memory Post this week. I have had one that I want to do as my parent's 47th wedding anniversary was March 31st and I want to tell their story. Wish me luck for this last week!

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