Monday, March 2, 2009

Not Me Monday!!!

Welcome to Not Me! Monday! This blog carnival was created by MckMama. You can head over to her blog to read what she and everyone else have not been doing this week.

Here's our not me's for this last week.

Jessica has not stayed in her pajamas for the past 2 days especially since we did get a light dusting of snow here, although not as much as I wished for in my blog post Friday night. At least we got a little something! My dear brother though, got 12 inches of snow and now they have no power due to a power pole snapping in three places. Glad I'm not in Buckingham County!!!

Lewis and myself did not have to go outside to scrape my windows on my car of snow and ice as I have NOT been driving around all winter with NO working heat in my car. A car that runs is better than no car at all, even with no heat.

I did not consider mutilating my boss at work on Friday because he got his panties in a wad because the other person that works with me was not in the office on Friday to hold his hand. Another reason to never get remarried, men never change, they always want someone to hold their hand whenever they are doing something and then afterwards we are supposed to jump up and down and congratulate them on what a wonderful job they do. Yeah, whatever. Can you tell I'm over it?

I did not get a steak from Applebees on Friday night and never ate it until dinner tonight. That's a damn shame that I eat so slow. Hey, it least it was good tonight.

I did not buy a pair of running shoes three weeks ago that I have yet to put on my feet. Isn't there a saying about the longest journey begins with the first step, well for me it might begin once I put my foot in that shoe, maybe that's what I'm afraid of?

Oh!! I also did not buy a cute workout outfit that is in 3 totally different sizes, the pants are a large, the jacket a medium and the undershirt is a small. It's a shame that my butt stays a large and my boobs go to a small when I lose weight. Life is just not fair, but hey, my boobs sure won't bounce while I'm out there running!!

Lewis says he hasn't done anything and I guess for right now, he is in the clear after the prior Not Me Mondays. We still have an hour and a half left baby!!! Anything can happen!

Have a great week everyone!

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